23 Apr
What is Carbon Peeling?
Carbon peeling is a quick and painless procedure to help improve skin appearance. It is primarily preferred by people with oily skin, acne and enlarged-clogged pores. Carbon peeling can be beneficial if you apply it as soon as you start to see the effects of sun damage on your skin. But remember, not every method is suitable for your skin. Therefore, we will give detailed information about the subject;
What Does Carbon Peeling Do?
Carbon peeling is done to reduce skin blemishes and to provide a smooth skin appearance. This application, which treats the skin by peeling, can also contribute to the solution of skin problems such as acne and blackheads. It helps a brighter and younger skin appearance as it cleans the pores deeply.
How Is Carbon Peeling Made?
This peeling, which makes the skin look healthier and brighter by cleaning, removes skin blemishes and prevents acne formation, is an effective method in skin care. Since peeling is provided by applying a chemical substance to the skin in the peeling process, this process should be done under the recommendation or control of a dermatologist. Situations such as not adjusting the dose of the chemical substance well or keeping the substance on the skin for less/more than the required time may cause undesirable results on the skin. You should consult an experienced dermatologist for carbon peeling.
After you make an appointment with your doctor for carbon peeling, your specialist will tell you to stop using retinol for a week. Retinol is a vitamin in the vitamin A family found in foods. You should also use sunscreen during this time.
In the carbon peeling application under the supervision of a doctor, the steps to be taken in order are as follows;
- Your doctor spreads a liquid carbon layer on your face. Carbon absorbs oil, dirt and dead skin cells deep in the pores.
-An average of 10 minutes is waited for the carbon to dry.
-After the carbon dries, your doctor will give you eye shields to protect your eyes from the laser.
-Then it passes the laser over the skin in a low-energy environment. This heats the carbon and binds it to the epidermis.
- If you have very sensitive skin or dark patches of skin, your doctor may skip this warming step. The laser also heats the tissue under the skin, strengthening collagen and plumping fine lines.
- At a higher energy setting, the laser is used to break up the liquid carbon into smaller particles.
-A smoke evaporator connected to a laser removes the impurities it contains as well as the carbon.
-A moisturizer or sunscreen can be applied to your skin after treatment.
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