13 Jul
Hair Care Recommendations for Summer
The sun is very valuable and very necessary for us. However, especially in summer, the sun can damage both our skin and hair. Of course, sea and pool water are also harmful to our hair. Salty and chlorinated water can damage our hair.
Experts say that the sun's ultraviolet rays can cause the hair shaft to burn. Sun-related hair damage is most common on dyed hair. Electrification and discoloration of the hair may occur. We should also say that non-dyed hair is affected by the damage that may occur from the sun. Sun rays dry the hair and can create roughness in the smooth layer of the hair shaft.
If your hair has started to become very electrified, it is because the dried hair absorbs the extra moisture in the air. This causes swelling of the hair shaft and breaks in the cuticle structure. As a result, your hair becomes frizzy and electrified.
In summer, only the sun does not damage our hair. Swimming in the sea or pool damages our hair. Chlorine in pool water strips hair of natural oils. For example, your blonde hair may turn a greenish color after the holiday. This is because of the copper molecules that bind to the protein in the hair fiber and the chemicals in the pool water. The salt in sea water causes your hair and skin to lose water and moisture. This can damage your hair. Because of these, you are likely to return from summer holidays with dull hair.
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