It is the skin's reaction to external stimuli. Flushing, rapid discoloration and spotting provide information about the structure of the skin. For example, skin with capillaries close to the surface quickly gets red and shows allergic reactions. In some skin, spots and color changes can be seen on the skin due to hormonal reasons. Skin with poor blood circulation is lifeless. Other factors to be considered in skin analysis are; skin structure, temperature, moisture content, acid-alkaline balance (pH ratio) and features on the skin (freckle, spot, mole, cyst, etc.).
Sensitive skin
Its appearance is thin and transparent, its pores are small, it blushes quickly and shows allergic reactions, it is unprotected against external factors. It gives an appearance as thin as cigarette paper. Causes of occurrence: Since the capillaries are on the surface and thin, they get red quickly in the face of external stimuli (heat exchange, wind, sun, alcohol, spicy foods). Cuperosis skin Generally, in sensitive skin, the cheek, forehead and nose area are red, the general appearance of the skin is pink. It reacts very much to extreme heat and cold, has less secretion, skin structure is thinned. Causes of formation: The capillaries at the upper level of the skin weaken and crack, as a result of this, in the transparent and sensitive skin, the cracked veins are seen as redness from the outside.
Dry skin
The pores are generally small, the general appearance of the skin is shrunken and dry, dandruff appears on the eyebrows, and scales are noticeable in places.
Causes of occurrence: Lack of oil release, excessive soap use, exposure to external factors (wind, sun, central heating), vitamin C, E, and F deficiency.
Combination / Dry Skin
Forehead and cheeks are dry, nose and chin are oily or normal, should be perceived as two separate skins. Causes of occurrence: See Dry Skin.
Dehydrated skin
It is especially seen during and after menopause, the dryness of the skin is evident, the loss of elasticity is evident. Causes of occurrence: Oil release and natural moisture loss, external sows (wind, sun, etc.).
Oily skin
The pores are large, the general appearance of the skin is bright and yellow, the skin is prone to blackheads and acne, the ph value is low. Causes of occurrence: It occurs as a result of overactive sebaceous glands. It occurs as a result of adolescence and hormonal changes, sometimes it may be hereditary, and the fatness decreases as the age progresses.
Fine / Oily skin
Forehead, nose and chin are oily, other areas are usually normal or dry. Blackheads and acne occur in oily areas. It should be perceived as two types of skin. Causes of occurrence: See Oily Skin.
Skin with acne
It manifests as cysts and large pimples. The general appearance of the skin is red and rough. Causes of occurrence: It occurs as a result of the clogging of the pores. Sometimes it can occur due to lack of hygiene and hormonal imbalance.
Pale / Damaged skin
It looks pale and lifeless. Excessive congestion on the skin, swelling around the eyes occurs.
Causes of occurrence: Climate, wrong diet, disease, hormonal changes.
Wrinkled skin
Prominent and deep lines, general dryness and sagging occur, the skin is dull.
Causes of occurrence: Hormonal changes, malnutrition, age factor.
Skin types and features
There are 4 general types of skin types: .Normal .Dry .Sensitive .Oily
Normal Skin Structure:
It is a rare skin type. When hormonal changes begin, this skin type also changes. Generally, with the onset of puberty, the skin starts to get oily, as the age progresses, the skin dries. The skin looks clear. Color distribution is even. The epidermis (dead top layer) is of average thickness. High elasticity (Elasticity is the speed at which the skin returns to its original state when stretched) It is soft and slippery to the touch.
Dry Skin Structure:
Its color is pale. The epidermis (dead top layer) is thin. After washing, the skin is stretched. Generally, the skin looks flaky. The ratio of oil glands is low, it has less than normal excretion. Permanent fine lines are formed around the eyes. Capillaries are weak and there is a risk of cracking.
Sensitive Skin:
It usually occurs together on dry skin. The epidermis (dead top layer) is thin. It has a transparent appearance, internal veins can be noticed. It is overstretched after washing. It reacts to external stimuli and gets red. As a result of dryness, it becomes prone to pilling and capillary cracking. Skin shows signs of premature aging
Oily skin:
Obstructed view (sallow) Thick epidermis Skin shines as a result of overactive oil glands. Open pores, especially in the T-zone (nose, chin, forehead) Blackheads and lozenges (pimples) usually occur.
Combination Skin:
Over the age of 15, the skin usually starts to have two features at the same time, mixed / dry, mixed / oily, etc. If the T-zone is oily, the cheeks and forehead are dry, it is called mixed / dry, if the T-zone is oily and the cheeks are dry, it is called mixed / oily.
How can you determine your skin structure?
Skin color: Pale skin is a sign of sensitivity. Skin texture: In dry skin, a thick layer is felt, in oily skin, the skin is slippery. Pores volume: Oily skin pores enlargement is noticeable as a result of overwork. Activity of sebaceous glands: Oil noticed on the skin is a sign of excessive secretion. Determination of the old skin type: Large open pores indicate that the skin is oily and scars indicate that the skin is acne. Elasticity: The excess of lines on the skin is a sign that the skin is in its early aging or natural phase.