Beauty is of course a point that every person wants to achieve. When it comes to beauty, the most important thing that comes to mind is skin beauty. Although skin care applications that have been developing and changing for centuries have been replaced by cosmetic applications in the last century, using the oldest and most natural recipes offered by history to become beautiful is the focus of everyone's attention today. The oldest skin care traces in history are seen in the recipes used in Chinese and Egyptian civilizations in the 4th century BC. These prescriptions feature all-natural beauty and skin care products.
Having learned the most suitable herbal ingredients and natural minerals for the skin, people are now more at peace with their skin. There are many herbs used for skin beauty, but the most effective are jojoba oil, apricot oil, seaweed, sea salt, clay, shea butter, aloe vera oil, ginkgo biloba, almond oil, carrot oil, cocoa, ginseng, grape seed oil, honey, Can be listed as cucumber.
Oils that moisturize and give a soft touch to the skin: Jojoba, Almond, Aloe Vera, Coconut
Skin Nourishing Plants and Animal Products: Apricot, Cucumber, Olive Oil, Egg, Cocoa, Almond, Aloe Vera, Honey, Milk
Anti-Cellulite (Herbs and Minerals That Increase Circulation: Seaweed, Ginkgo Biloba, Ginseng, Grape Seed Oil or Extract, Sea Salt, Clay, Orange Oil, Walnut Bark, Horse Chestnut
These ingredients are not only applied to the skin or taken orally, but also appear in many massage oils, masks and mixtures.