Diet - Slimming - Weight Loss
Slimming Diet: For the slimming diet, you must first determine your weight status. Danger bells have begun to ring for a body type classified as overweight or obese in terms of height and weight.
Obesity is an important problem especially in developed and developing countries, and almost all written and visual media talk about methods and diets that they claim will help people lose weight from time to time.
However, unfortunately, sufficient effort is not made for weakness, obesity problems and weight loss that concern a small part of the society. In case of weakness, people gaining weight in a healthy way is not as easy as it seems. You cannot gain weight in a healthy way by eating calorie-rich foods such as plenty of frying, pastry and desserts throughout the day. We need to eat 5 portions of fruits and vegetables every day.
The diet should be natural, that is, not frozen or canned. The antioxidants found in vegetables and fruits will protect you from many ailments and cancers throughout your life. Dietary milk and dairy products are extremely rich foods, especially in terms of calcium, protein and vitamins; In addition, you can easily increase the calorie intake by drinking milk.
If you do not like milk, add a spoonful of fruit puree, eat fruit yogurt, etc. If you have decided to drink plenty of milk, choose low-fat milk, otherwise your body fat balance may be upset. You can also consume large amounts of low-fat cheese in dairy products.
To avoid any problems with your blood, consume two servings of meat (red, fish, chicken) every day. Meat is the richest food in terms of iron content. However, do not consume more than two servings of meat. Instead of meat, you can eat eggs and legumes. However, consume fatty and high-calorie foods such as salami, sausage, soujouk and hamburgers at minimal levels.
Have snacks, this will help you gain weight. However, in these meals, eat plenty of calorie, fatty and sugary foods less. Perhaps the most important ones are; Do not skip meals, prepare your food with appetite and appeal to your eyes, try to enjoy it while eating and exercise disinfected
Tips For Diet:
When choosing your foods for diet, make sure that they have plenty of calories.
Eat 4-6 meals a day (all high-calorie)
Plan diets containing lots of carbohydrates and proteins. But remember, carbohydrates should always make up the majority of your calories, not proteins.
Drink water. The problem to the fat people is that if we drink water they will say it works, indeed, water is an essential nutrient for inspiration and if you want to gain weight you should drink plenty.
Eat 2-3 hours before bedtime at night. Thus, your calories will be spent less.
Follow the Yo-Yo diet. This is one of the best weight gain methods. Eat a high-calorie diet for 4 days, then eat more caloric foods for 3 days. This situation often happens to those who want to lose weight. While they are dieting to lose weight, they suddenly lose themselves and start eating more, but you will do it consciously.
Get some more sodium. This will allow your body to retain water. This will cause your muscle amount to increase over time.
Red meat causes you to gain more weight than other meats. However, do not consume this constantly, but also consume other sources of protein.
For drinks containing protein and amino acids, these are available from pharmacies. Also, for this purpose, you can drink it by putting crushed dates in the blender in milk.
Eat and rest?
Obesity Overweight Slimming Diet
Obesity is the name given to the accumulation of excess fat tissue in the body. It is a different concept from being overweight and today it is considered a disease rather than an aesthetic problem.
For example, because an athlete has more muscle and bone mass, even if he weighs more than his ideal weight, he should not be considered fat. Because adipose tissue is not much.
On the contrary, if a person who has an ideal weight according to his height has a low body fat mass with low muscle and bone tissue, this person's weight is not much, but still can be considered fat.
There are some measurement methods used in the definition of obesity (obesity). One of them is Ideal Weight. It is possible to calculate the ideal weight of that person by subtracting 100 from the height of the person roughly. For example, a 170 cm tall person should weigh 70.
A formula used to determine the limits of obesity (obesity) is Body Mass Index (BMI). It is calculated by the ratio of weight to square of height in meters. For example, the BMI of a patient who is 170 cm tall and weighs 70 kg is 70 / 1.72 = 24.2. People with a BMI between 19-25 are normal weight people. Between 25-30 is expressed as fish meat or bulk, 30-40 is obese and over 40 is expressed as a swelling condition that is suitable for the emergence of some diseases.
If the waist circumference exceeds 102 cm in men, 88 cm in women, or the ratio of waist circumference to hip circumference is more than 0.9 in men and 0.8 in women, it is also considered obesity. These last two measurements also help us to understand where the fat tissue, which we understand to be excessive, accumulates in the body.
If adipose tissue has accumulated in the abdomen and therefore around the internal organs, then the rate of some additional diseases that may arise due to excess weight in that fat person increases much more. For example, these people are much more likely to have high blood pressure, diabetes, clogging of the heart and brain vessels, and consequently heart attack and stroke, compared to those who are not obese or fat but whose fat tissue accumulates in areas other than the abdomen (such as legs, arms).
Is being overweight (obesity) really a problem?
According to the data of the World Health Organization in 1997, the BMI of 25% of the world population is more than 30, that is, overweight. 25% is fish meat or bulk. 25% of it is not fat at the moment, but it is genetically prone to obesity.
Only 25% make up the group that will not be fat either now or in the future. As can be seen, 75% of the world population is either coping with this problem or is a candidate for the disease. In the last ten years, there has been a significant increase in obesity in almost all countries around the world.
How to Evaluate Body Mass Index?
Under 18.5 kg / m2, weak
Normal weight between 18.5-24.9 kg / m2
Slightly obese (overweight) between 25-29.9 kg / m2
Moderately obese (I degree) between 30-34.9 kg / m2
If it is between 35-39.9 kg / m2, severely obese (II degree)
If over 40 kg / m2, very severe obesity (III degree)
What kind of diseases does it cause?
Obesity (obesity) negatively affects many systems in the body if no precautions are taken and if it continues for a long time. The most affected systems are cardiovascular, hormone, respiratory, digestive, genital and urinary, musculoskeletal, skin and psychological systems. As can be seen, there is almost no place where it does not affect.
It helps the development of arteriosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases and heart attack, heart failure, high blood pressure, cerebral hemorrhage and stroke in the cardiovascular system. It is also seen that obese people have high blood cholesterol and fat called triglyceride. This has an effect on increasing arteriosclerosis.
Obesity in those with diabetes in their family makes it easier to develop diabetes in that person and earlier. Hidden or overt diabetes may occur in those who do not have diabetes in the family.
Premature puberty may occur in obese girls. In adult women, obesity, hair growth, and menstrual patterns may deteriorate. In adult males, it causes a decrease in sexual desire, impotence and infertility.
Babies of fat pregnant women can be large. Babies may encounter other problems both in the womb and after birth. Ulcers may develop at the lower end of the esophagus as a result of loosening at the lower end of the esophagus in the digestive system and the retention of stomach contents into the esophagus. In addition, if obesity continues for a long time, a hernia may develop. Gallbladder stones are more common in obese people. Fatty liver can also occur as a result of obesity.
The relationship between cancer and obesity has always been discussed. Uterine and breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men are more common than those who are not obese. In addition, prostate enlargement is more common in obese men.
There is a problem in the respiratory system such as a decrease in capacity and inability to remove polluted air (carbon dioxide) from the body. Both for this reason and due to weight gain, the tongue and other neck tissues grow and the tongue goes backwards and obstructs the windpipe while lying on the back, resulting in complaints such as not sleeping well at night, sleeping during the day instead of at night, and inability to concentrate on what he is doing. With the pressure of both the adipose tissue around the chest and the adipose tissue in the abdomen towards the chest, the lung cannot expand enough and there is insufficient ventilation and easy infection in the lung areas.
In addition to stretch marks, especially in the abdominal skin, acne and easily developing inflammatory skin diseases can be seen. Arthritis in bones and joints, joint inflammations, heel spurs, herniated disc and gout are conditions that are more likely to occur as weight increases. Psychosocial changes can occur in obese people and they may want to be isolated from social life. Feelings of inferiority, increase in alcoholism, decrease in physical activity and increase in unemployment can be seen.
Behavior changes
• It will be necessary to mention some behaviors that play an important role in gaining weight and gain importance to do or not to do while losing weight. In addition to the treatment methods in groups that will ensure the control of these behaviors, there are also some issues that the person can take care of himself.
• Avoiding the stimuli that will stimulate eating (such as not watching the showcases of food shops), not eating in environments that will cause us to lose control of the amount of food to be bought (such as not eating in front of the television), taking smaller portions and repeating them if necessary, using small plates are some of these. The support of family members, friends and work environment for these efforts is an important factor that will facilitate the patient's work.
Who and how is drug therapy applied?
• Until today, many drugs have been used in the treatment of obesity. However, since obesity is a long-term disease that will last a lifetime if not treated, it may be necessary to treat obesity for a lifetime, just like high blood pressure or diabetes.
Then, if the drug is used, the drug to be used should ideally have few or no side effects, it should be very effective and cheap. No such drug has yet been found in the treatment of obesity. In this case, drug treatment should only be applied to those who really need it and for certain periods.
• The use of drugs should be added to other treatment modalities in people who are more important than the side effects of the drug that will arise in case of not losing weight. Another important issue is to know that the drug is an auxiliary treatment method in addition to diet and exercise.
It is known that using drugs without diet and exercise does not provide weight loss benefit. Therefore, drug use can only be used to lose weight in those who have applied diet and exercise and have stopped losing weight. In addition, drug treatment is in addition to other methods in very obese people (BMI above 40) who need to lose a lot of weight in a short time, people with some additional diseases (such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and previous heart disease, lung disease). It can be used immediately.
If a person's BMI is above 30 or BMI is above 27, but if there is an additional disease that will be adversely affected by obesity, then medication is used for obesity. Currently, there are two groups of drugs used for this purpose in our country.
• The first of these is the drug containing orlistat, which allows 30% of the fat taken with food to be excreted from the intestine without being absorbed. It is taken 30-45 minutes before meals. Especially if there is too much oil in the food content, it can cause mild to very severe oily diarrhea. Can the fat in the food be reduced, this complaint can also be reduced.
Since it prevents fat absorption, it may dissolve in fat in long-term use and cause deficiency of some vitamins such as A, D, E, K taken into the body. As a result, symptoms may occur depending on this. Therefore, certain doses of vitamin supplements may be required.
• The second group of drugs, on the other hand, is sibutramine, which acts through the brain and nerves and reduces appetite, reduces the need for fatty foods, prevents snacks between meals, and accelerates metabolism and increases energy expenditure. This drug can sometimes have side effects in some types of psychological disorders such as increasing blood pressure, increasing heart rate and depression. It is used once a day.
What is the place of surgical treatment in obesity?
• Operational treatment may be considered for those who are between 16-65 years of age, BMI over 40 or over 35 with additional disease, accept the operation, have an acceptable risk of the operation, are not alcoholics and are able to adapt to the operation, if they cannot lose weight with other methods.
• For this purpose, methods such as disabling a part of the stomach by sewing, making it difficult to enter the stomach by attaching a ring to the stomach entrance and reducing the amount, and ensuring that food is thrown into the intestine without being absorbed by connecting the stomach to the small intestine can be applied to patients in need. The selection of patients for whom these procedures will be applied requires special care. In addition, a surgical treatment is also applied in the form of removing subcutaneous adipose tissue with different methods.
Are herbal slimming products right to lose weight?
-It is not easy to choose a product from a list that goes on like slimming products, slimming tablets, slimming pills, slimming drugs. Slimming, losing weight, staying in shape can be considered among the most popular topics of the last period. Because with the start of the summer period, everyone, men and women, gets a diet rush. Although every diet is similar to each other, herbal slimming products have become a new hope for those with weight problems. When it comes to naturalness and health, what comes to mind when it comes to herbal, herbal products have emerged that are satiating, appetite suppressant, fat burner, water and edema dissolving, metabolism accelerating and many other effects that are included in the diet lists every day. For this reason, the new address of dieters is herbal slimming products, which are more and more popular recently.
Should there be a list when dieting with herbal products?
In addition to diet lists, herbal tea, pills, tablets and paste have become popular among dieters. Presenting the herb together by showing many different effects is both effective and dangerous. Of course, the persistent emphasis on the fact that slimming products are herbal is another marketing method. It is written in capital letters that all of the displays of Pharmacy and Herbalists have a Slimming pill ad.
-Is it really possible to lose 6-8 kilos per month using these products?
It is possible to lose 6-8 kilos by using these products, but the important thing is to keep this weight constant after losing weight by correcting the eating habits.
How to use the right herbal slimming product?
Herbal slimming products have millions of users all over the world and these products will take place more in our lives. The important thing is that these products should be taken under the control of a dietician, if possible, without overdoing them. Samples obtained by trial and error among the public constitute an effective place in the use of these products. At least the content of the herbal product and the effects of the substances contained in it should be reviewed.