Information About the Symptoms and Causes of Sweating

Sweating is important for everyone's health, but dealing with the smell of sweat is both difficult and annoying. The first thing to say about this subject is that with the exception of sweat, it is an odorless body fluid on its own. The smell of sweat comes from the interaction of bacteria on the surface of your skin with sweat. For people who experience chronic sweating, it doesn't matter whether it's winter or summer, they can be affected all year round, and there are many possible reasons behind sweating.

In the human body, bacteria thrive in moist environments such as the armpits. When the body sweats, bacteria grown in these areas break down some proteins in the sweat into acids, and as a result of this process, the by-products produced by the bacteria cause the smell of sweat. Not only can bacteria cause the smell of sweat, but sweat glands can also cause it. There are different types of sweat glands in the skin. These are eccrine glands and apocrine glands.

Eccrine glands are found throughout the body. These spiral glands are located in the dermis, that is, in the lower layer of the skin, and through a channel, they throw sweat directly to the surface of the skin. With the evaporation of sweat, it cools your skin and helps regulate your body temperature. The sweat produced in the eccrine glands has a high salt content. Therefore, it is more difficult for bacteria to break down and the rate of odor production is less.

Apocrine glands are located in certain parts of the body. It is found in the armpits, groin and groin areas. Apocrine glands, like eccrine glands, do not help cool the body. These glands empty into a hair follicle instead of a duct. Apocrine glands release sweat not only when your body temperature rises, but also when you are under stress. These parts are high in odor-causing proteins and produce odor when bacteria break down. Therefore, body odor usually develops in the armpits and groin areas. Apocrine glands are inactive until puberty. Body odor can be detected with puberty.

Sweating does not occur only with glands and bacteria. Let's take a look at other factors that cause sweat odor in people; Being overweight can cause the smell of sweat. Skin folds can hold sweat and bacteria, which can cause odor. The smell of spicy and pungent food penetrates the body and can cause body odour. Every food that enters our body burns, giving nourishment to the body. Certain types of food cause a higher rate of smoldering in the body, resulting in more sweating. The body makes more effort to digest processed foods, which causes sweating. Irregular diet, caffeine and alcohol can trigger sweat glands. These can also cause the formation of sweat odor. The body produces sweat when you consume foods with little or no nutritional value, or when you restrict food intake too much. Since there is no food, the body begins to eat itself, which causes a sharp body odor.

Sweating can be seen in people with diabetes, kidney, liver problems. An overactive thyroid can cause sweating in menopausal or genetic conditions. You can take a shower once a day to reduce the smell of sweat, you can use antibacterial soap to reduce the number of bacteria on the skin, you can use an armpit spray or roll-on suitable for your skin, prefer to wear breathable fabrics (cotton, etc.), especially under the armpits as the bristles will retain sweat. the hairs that grow out should be cut or waxed without making it too long.

As we mentioned at the beginning of our article, sweating is a very natural situation for every person. However, if sweating is so much that it disrupts your daily routines, you should definitely see a doctor. The above information is for informational purposes only. If you are sweating enough to disturb you and your surroundings, you should definitely see a specialist doctor and apply the prescribed solutions exactly.

We wish you healthy days…